Hysterectomy Myths and Facts, Part 2: Changes to My Body

April 27, 2015
GYN Surgery


In Part 2 of Hysterectomy Myths and Facts, we take a look at misconceptions people may have about what having a hysterectomy can mean, especially as it relates to menopause and sex. When you have a hysterectomy, your uterus is removed, so you will no longer experience periods or be able to get pregnant. However, for most hysterectomy procedures, your ovaries will be left in place and continue to produce hormones, which means you won’t necessarily go into menopause. Only particular, less common types of hysterectomy will induce menopause.

Much of what women imagine their life will be like after a hysterectomy is actually what women experience during menopause. However, this is not always the case. Understanding the difference can help women make informed choices for their health.”

1. Myth: A Hysterectomy Will Immediately Trigger Menopause.

Fact: A hysterectomy removes only the uterus (supracervical hysterectomy), or the uterus and cervix. It’s important to understand the role of the ovaries in menopause.

Hysterectomy removes the uterus and the cervix. This procedure leaves the ovaries intact, and should not induce menopause.

A NOTE ON HORMONE THERAPY: Many organs within the body have receptors for the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and (along with the adrenal glands) testosterone that are produced by the ovaries, including the breast, uterine lining, vagina, bone, and blood vessels. While the primary role of these hormones is to facilitate reproduction, they have an effect on many other functions of the body, such as maintenance of bone and cardiovascular health, and in regulation of body fluid.

2. Myth: My Sex Life Will Change After A Hysterectomy

Fact: All women are different in how they experience their sex lives. Having a hysterectomy doesn’t have to mean a drastic change in your relationship.

For most women who have a hysterectomy at CIGC, it takes approximately 6 weeks for the top of the vagina to fully heal, after which most patients can resume sex. (Assuming you get the all clear from your physician!)

Changes to sexual arousal can occur with hormonal shifts that are typically the result of menopause. If your hysterectomy is performed with an oopherectomy, and menopause begins as a result of that surgery, you can discuss the benefits of individually-tailored hormone therapy with your doctor. Lifestyle adjustments like using vaginal lubricant can also help women cope with the symptoms of menopause.

3. Myth: A Hysterectomy Will Cure My Endometriosis

Fact: If a hysterectomy is performed along with resection of endometriosis, and all endometrial implants are removed, patients will have a higher chance of success in eliminating the symptoms caused by endometriosis. While a hysterectomy can be an important part of the treatment for longer-term relief, it does not cure endometriosis since endometrial cells can implant outside of the uterus.

4. Myth: I Have To Get A Hysterectomy To Treat My Fibroids, But I Still Want Children.

Fact: There are multiple treatments for fibroids (and other conditions that cause infertility) that don’t require a hysterectomy out of the gate. Many women have procedures to treat GYN conditions like fibroids, and while they may ultimately choose to have a hysterectomy after they are finished having children, it is not the only treatment.

Women with fibroids who wish to retain their uterus may be candidates for a myomectomy. Other conditions in addition to fibroids can cause infertility. Read Ljubica’s story to learn how minimally invasive surgery at CIGC to treat multiple conditions helped her conceive.

5. Myth: I’m Not A Candidate For Minimally Invasive Surgery For My Hysterectomy.

Fact: Not all surgeons are skilled at laparoscopic procedures, but this does not mean you are not a candidate for one. If robotic or open procedures are the only options offered to you through your OBGYN or an affiliated surgeon, it may be well worth it to get a second opinion. It is important to note that the person performing the procedure may not be the right person to perform your surgery. It most likely has nothing to do with you or your condition. No matter the size of your uterus or how complex your case may be, it is highly likely that you are still a candidate for minimally invasive GYN surgery.

Tools to Help Evaluate GYN Surgeons

Knowing what to ask can help ensure the best outcomes for patients. We see so many women who wish they had come to CIGC first. If you are unsure about the procedure that has been recommended for you, please keep asking questions.

Here are some of the most important questions and answers to help you navigate your GYN surgical consultation. If your surgeon can’t answer these to your satisfaction, please get a second opinion. Read this blog post on questions women must ask their OBGYN about surgery to help you assess your physician’s surgical skill level and the procedures that are being offered.

To book a consultation with Dr. Paul MacKoul or Dr. Natalya Danilyants, please book online or call 888-787-4379.

At The Center for Innovative GYN Care, we perform GYN procedures using highly advanced techniques, including DualPortGYN and LAAM.

DualPortGYN Benefits

hysterectomy facts dualportgyn benefits

The key benefits of DualPortGYN, a unique procedure performed by the surgical specialists at CIGC.

LAAM Benefits

LAAM Myomectomy benefits

LAAM stands for Laparoscopic Assisted Abdominal Myomectomy. No matter the location, size or number of fibroids, LAAM can be used to remove them safely, while leaving the uterus intact.

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Schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can treat your condition today.

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