CIGC Launches Infertility Series: Infertility and Fibroids

December 4, 2014

Woman and her husband holding a little baby

PART I- Infertility and Fibroids: Expert Surgical Management Increases Pregnancy Rates 

Mom and Baby

CIGC Launches Infertility Series, Find Out How We Can Help You Conceive

Uterine fibroids are a very common cause of infertility among patients wanting pregnancy.  Infertility specialists routinely refer their patients to The Center for Innovative GYN Care, for surgical removal of fibroids that increase the success rates of spontaneous pregnancy, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization.

How the Presence of Fibroids Can Cause Infertility

Fibroids located near the uterine cavity, in the uterine cavity, or involving the fallopian tubes can significantly affect pregnancy rates.

CIGC uses two types of procedures to safely remove fibroids.


What is LAAM? The LAAM procedure is the best minimally invasive operation available for removing all of the fibroids in the uterus, especially those that are near the uterine cavity or the tubes.   

– Known as laparoscopically assisted myomectomy, LAAM uses only two incisions to remove fibroids of all sizes.
– The first incision is at the belly button, and is only ¼ of an inch in size.
– The second incision is located at the bikini line, usually 3 cm in size, or about an inch and a quarter.

What are the advantages of LAAM for the removal of fibroids compared to other methods? LAAM procedures offer many more benefits compared to other laparoscopic or robotic approaches, including: smaller overall incision size, removal of all fibroids, faster recovery, better uterine closure, and the ability to begin trying to become pregnant faster.

– Being able to feel and remove all fibroids present
– The use of standard uterine closure to ensure the best closure of the uterus possible after fibroid removal.
– Removal of fibroids without the use of power morcellators
– LAAM operations incorporate incisions with a total length smaller than robotic or laparoscopic approaches, with discharge home the same day and a recovery of only 10 to 14 days. The incisions are located cosmetically, and are never located in the upper abdomen with robotic or laparoscopic approaches.
– Most patients are up and moving the next day.


The second type of fibroid removal is limited to fibroids located in the uterine cavity. Patients need to understand that very few patients are actually good candidates for hysteroscopic removal of fibroids. If the fibroid localized to the cavity is small to moderate in size, and the patient does not have many other fibroid present, this approach can be used.  The fibroid is removed through the vagina with no incisions required. The recovery is only one to two days.


Book a consultation with Paul MacKoul MD or Natalya Danilyants MD.

Any patient with fibroids interested in becoming pregnant should always consider a consultation with a surgical specialist who is an expert in fibroid removal. Although your OBGYN is an expert in pregnancy and delivery, these physicians are not surgical specialists and do not perform LAAM procedures. A surgical specialist is a physician that only performs surgery, is fellowship trained in minimally invasive surgery and does not practice obstetrics. The use of a surgical specialist, such as the surgeons at CIGC, will provide expert surgical care for the removal of fibroids, and will optimize your ability to become pregnant.

Infertility Series

Part 1: Fibroid Removal

Part 2: Endometriosis Removal

Part 3: Fallopian Tubes, Hydrosalpinx

Part 4: Uterine Polyps and Scars

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