LAAM Uterine Preserving Fibroid Treatment: THERE IS NO BETTER OPTION

  • Not Embolization
  • Not Robotic Surgery
  • Not Laparoscopic or Open Surgery
  • Not Medical Therapy with Orihann or MyFemBree


“I had the LAAM surgery..the best doctors and the best decision I ever made was choosing CIGC. I am fibroids free and living my best life!”

5 Star Icons

“I had surgery to remove fibroids a couple of days ago and all I can say is WOW! I am amazed and sooo thankful for my surgeon! I feel so great!”

5 Star Icons

“NJ. LAAM and removal of endometriosis…I have gone to follow up appointments at Mt Sinae and Weil Corness and both doctors confirmed that my surgeons did an excellent job. I am starting IVF this summer.”

5 Star Icons

“…removed my 3.5 lb fibroid and two cysts…I was able to conceive and carry two children full term.”

5 Star Icons

“I approached many doctors for years seeking help to save my uterus but they all gave me only one option: a hysterectomy….removed 33 large fibroids from my uterus….More than 2 years later I delivered a beautiful baby boy.”

5 Star Icons

“All other surgeons told me open surgery was the only option for me. CIGC proved them wrong! 5 stars is not nearly enough!!! Don’t hesitate to check with them on helping you. Reach out with confidence.”

5 Star Icons

“CIGC was willing and able to help me even after several doctors turned me away. I am extremely grateful that they performed my partial hysterectomy, They are really amazing!”

5 Star Icons

“I highly recommend CIGC to anyone that needs specialized gynecological care because they are experts and know how to treat the toughest cases….Professional, caring, friendly..within a week I was able to move around. This experience was very positive.”

5 Star Icons

“I had surgery and feel better than I have in over 15 years. THANK YOU so incredibly much for all you’ve done for me and countless other women! If you’re questioning to call or not…absolutely call and schedule an appointment!”

5 Star Icons

“After 10 years of chronic pain, I’ve seen many doctors for opinions and I felt they were all wrong. I found CIGC who told me I was suffering from Adenomyosis..required a hysterectomy and barely any pain. Amazing!”

5 Star Icons

“In NY. I kept being told was that I wouldn’t be able to have a minimally invasive surgery..My (uterus) up to my sternum…CIGC was able to perform my surgery with tiny incisions …my energy is back, lost 20lbs. I’m not wearing maternity looking clothes or being asked “when are you due” by strangers. This surgery has been a life saver…”

5 Star Icons

“I originally planned a full, open hysterectomy from my local surgeon…I had the surgery as an outpatient and I felt great just after two weeks. I highly recommend CIGC”

5 Star Icons

“The majority of surgeons would have had to switch to a full abdominal hysterectomy….CIGC skill and expertise allowed them to keep it a laparoscopic procedure, and I was almost fully back to normal in less than a week. My discomfort was very minimal…get a second opinion and evaluate your options. I am so very glad that I did.”

5 Star Icons

“Kansas. CIGC made this process and procedure so simple, and after a few days post surgery, I had to remind myself that I had a procedure. I feel better than I have for more than 10 years.”

5 Star Icons

“I had a supracervical hysterectomy and my recovery was 7 to 10 days. One small incision in my pelvic area and a tiny one in my belly button! AMAZING! Thank you CIGC!”

5 Star Icons

“I highly recommend CIGC…removed large amounts of fibroids and I have minimal scars and recovery. The facility is beautiful…minimal pain, it changed my life. My stomach is like new, about half the size with little to no scars. Thank you CIGC and staff!”

5 Star Icons

“Florida. I got a LAAM procedure from CIGC at their NJ location just outside Manhattan..I wasn’t a great candidate for the procedures available locally. CIGC removed 7 fibroids and endometriosis. I was on my feet and able to take care of myself and walk around within a few days. Pain was super minimal during the recovery. Over a year later my pain is gone, my life is back, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER!”

5 Star Icons

“Africa. I was looking for specialty care.. A minimally invasive treatment for my fibroid removal. I also split time between the US and Africa and needed a treatment that accommodated my travel schedule. Fertility was a major consideration, and CIGC was keen on providing care and advice consistent with my reproductive health goals.”

5 Star Icons

The “Hyper-Specialists” at CIGC have been performing the LAAM procedure for years. Here are the Top 6 Reasons LAAM is the Better Option

LAAM is truly a remarkable advance in fibroid removal, all with a procedure that allows patients to leave the surgery center the same day and be back to work in 7–14 days. Consider a consult with a CIGC Hyper-Specialist to learn more. From immediate relief of symptoms to potential pregnancy, LAAM will allow you to achieve your goals safely and effectively with the fastest recovery possible.

1. CIGC Hyper-Specialists Make LAAM Possible
  • CIGC Hyper-Specialists are GYN Oncology trained surgeons with the highest level of surgical training possible, and have a higher level of training than “specialists”
  • They do NOT perform Obstetrics – ONLY surgery
2. LAAM is a Better Procedure for Fibroid Removal
  • Superior Technique – Best Uterine Closure, Minimal Blood Loss, Fastest Recovery
  • Performed in a Surgery Center Setting, Avoiding the Hospital
  • Home the same day, back to work in 7 to 14 days
3. Superior Published Outcomes to Robotic, Laparoscopic
  • The lowest complications, fastest recovery, lowest cost, more fibroids removed
  • Lowest conversion to open surgery at 0.7%, lowest cost
  • Published: Citation 1 below
4. LAAM is a superior option to Embolization (UFE) for Symptoms and Fertility
  • LAAM removes fibroids, and is the BEST OPTION for Fertility Patients
  • Immediate Symptom Relief, Faster recovery and less pain than Embolization
  • Embolization is NOT recommended for fertility and can increase miscarriages
5. LAAM is an Alternative to Hysterectomy and UFE
  • Fertility and Non-Fertility Patients – Better Results than UFE
  • Proven Safe Surgery Center Setting to Increase Convenience and Satisfaction, Decrease Costs
  • Published: Citation 2,3 below
3. Superior Published Outcomes to Robotic, Laparoscopic
  • The lowest complications, fastest recovery, lowest cost, more fibroids removed
  • Lowest conversion to open surgery at 0.7%, lowest cost
  • Published: Citation 1 below
6. LAAM is performed In Network with your insurance
  • Patients do not need to pay cash for out of network surgeons performing inferior, more costly procedures
  • Fibroids do NOT Discriminate Between the Wealthy and Not So Wealthy. Neither should your surgeon.

Speak With Our Team

A member of our patient care team would be happy to walk you through what to expect, answer your questions and help you get started with your treatment process.


Published Results: LAAM vs Robotic, Laparoscopic, Open Surgery

*Results published in The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology


Helene’s Story

Superior Surgical Outcomes Published in Top Medical Journals

The LAAM procedure has been proven superior to other minimally invasive techniques and open surgery. In addition, we have shown that these procedures can be performed safely and more efficiently in an ambulatory surgery center. Our nationally and internationally renowned techniques have been published in prestigious medical journals due to exceptional patient outcomes.


Worldwide Destination for GYN Care


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Seek the treatment you deserve.


1. Laparoscopic-Assisted Myomectomy Surgery with Bilateral Uterine Artery Occlusion/Ligation
Published in The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology MacKoul P, Danilyants N, Baxi R, van der Does L, Haworth L.
In the comparison of 1,313 patients who underwent a myomectomy (the review included patients who had LAAM®, robotic, standard laparoscopic, or open myomectomy surgery), LAAM (laparoscopic assisted abdominal myomectomy) showed the best patient outcomes, including removal of large and multiple fibroids, lowest complication rates, and the lowest conversion to open surgery at 0.7 percent. Patients interested in fertility had temporary occlusion of the uterine arteries thereby maintaining full blood flow to the uterus.

2. LAAM: Surgery Center Versus Outpatient Hospital
Published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecological Research (JOGR), March 2020. Natalya Danilyants, Mamta Mamik, Paul MacKoul, Louise vanderDoes, Leah Haworth
A comparison of the LAAM procedure performed in the hospital vs the surgery center revealed the same results, with the no differences in the number and weightof fibroids removed, patient weight or prior surgery, or any other factors.

3. LAAM at a freestanding ambulatory surgery center: A case series
Published in Gynecolgical Surgery, June 2020. Paul MacKoul, Natalya Danilyants, Faraj Touchon, Louise vanderDoes, Leah Haworth, Nilofar Kazi.
LAAM performed in 969 women in the ambulatory surgery center can be performed safely in the freestanding ambulatory surgery center even in women who are morbidly obese.

Our Locations

Explore The Center for Innovative GYN Care® (CIGC®) locations across the United States.

Interior of Center for Modern Surgery
Center for Modern Surgery – Secaucus, NJ
View looking toward the steps of CIGC in Clifton, New Jersey
Clifton, New Jersey
Interior of Innovations Surgery Center
Innovations Surgery Center – Rockville, MD
Reston, Virginia
The CIGC location in Rockville, Maryland
Rockville, Maryland
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