Learn to Love Your Body Again: Overcoming Severe Pelvic Pain

February 27, 2016

Man and woman embracing each other

severe pelvic pain blogBeing able to spend time with a partner can be difficult for women who suffer from GYN conditions that result in severe pelvic pain. Intimacy can be problematic, and relationships may suffer as a result.

We hear from many patients that they tried multiple treatments with either their OB/GYN, a general practitioner, or a radiologist. When these procedures are unable to remedy the symptoms of GYN conditions, it’s important to seek a specialist. Complex conditions like endometriosis and fibroids can continue to cause pelvic pain after surgery if not adequately treated.

Endometriosis can continue to spread if any of it is left behind. Minimally invasive GYN specialists are trained to find all lesions, endometriomas, and pelvic adhesions that can result from years of the condition being left untreated. Inflammation in the pelvis can cause intense pain.

Fibroids can be removed, but not all procedures are able to remove all of them completely. Many times treatments like D&C (dilation & curettage), UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization), laparoscopic, including robotic procedures are limited in their ability to remove all fibroids. UFE is not recommended for women who wish to maintain fertility. Women who get pregnant after the procedure will likely have a cesarean section during delivery rather than risk rupturing the wall of the uterus.

Many of these conditions begin early, but are ignored because women are often told that pain is to be expected with their period.

Teen Health: Is Period Pain Something Else?


Advanced minimally invasive GYN surgical treatments at The Center for Innovative GYN Care can help women recover in days, not weeks.

Fellowship trained GYN specialists can perform life-changing minimally invasive endometriosis excision. Excision (or resection) of endometriosis is the most effective procedure to ensure all instances of endometriosis are removed. It is the best way to manage endometriosis pain for women wishing to maintain fertility. In addition, since pelvic adhesions are common with endometriosis patients, it is essential that these are removed by a specialist. If removed incorrectly they can reform and create additional pain. DualPortGYN was developed by the minimally invasive GYN specialists at CIGC to take advantage of these specialized techniques that help to control blood loss and map the pelvic cavity. Laparoscopic hysterectomies, ovarian cystectomies, endometriosis excision, and resection of pelvic adhesions can be performed using just 2 small incisions no larger than a paper cut.

Modern minimally invasive fibroid removal procedures at CIGC are safer than open or robotic surgeries. Laparoscopic assisted abdominal myomectomy or LAAM takes the thoroughness of an open procedure and faster recovery of standard laparoscopy, for a safe, effective surgery. Using just two small incisions, one 5MM incision at the belly button and a 1.5 inch incision at the bikini line, the minimally invasive GYN specialists at CIGC are able to remove all fibroids, no matter the size, number or location. The uterus is then repaired by hand. This makes it possible for women who wish to maintain fertility to carry a baby to term.

The minimally invasive GYN surgical specialists Dr. Paul MacKoul, MD and Dr. Natalya Danilyants, MD developed the two procedures, DualPortGYN and LAAM that are exclusive to CIGC, in an effort to make patient outcomes more positive. The idea of less pain and faster recovery came out of seeing patients needlessly having open procedures, or more incisions with robotic or standard laparoscopic procedures, when advanced surgical techniques could make it possible to treat all GYN conditions with just 2 small incisions. Women return to their normal activity in 2 weeks or less, and many women are back to work after a week.


GYN surgical specialists can often see women sooner because they are focused entirely on surgery. Each patient gets detailed, in depth attention from Dr. Natalya Danilyants and Dr. Paul MacKoul. This personalized care helps patients understand their condition and the recommended treatment so that they can have confidence from the very start. Our surgeons have performed over 20,000 GYN procedures and are constantly finding better ways to improve outcomes for patients.

Book a consultation today with Paul MacKoul MD or Natalya Danilyants MD.


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Even if you are not from the DC area, many patients travel to The Center for Innovative GYN Care for our groundbreaking procedures. We treat women from around the world who suffer from complex GYN conditions.

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